Faith Rhiannon Eleri Miller

We're now the proud parents of a little girl. Born at 15:24 on Wednesday 12th December, Faith weighed 7lb 1oz at birth.

Update 27th January 2008. Faith is doing very well and now weighs in at 10lb 6oz.

Updated 3rd March 2008. No new weight, but Faith is continuing to grow and thrive.

Update 12th March 2008. Faith is now 3 months old!

Update 10th April 2008. Faith is almost 4 months now and getting quite huge!.

Update 10th May 2008. Almost 5 months, new photos uploaded.

Update 18th May 2008. Faith was weighed on Friday at a whopping 19lb 5oz, which puts her on the 95th centile! (95% of babies her age and sex are smaller than her.)

Update 24th May 2008. More baby photos for 5 and a half months.

Update 12th June 2008. Six Months!! Photos include Faith's first food (a pear she grabbed off mummy), Faith's first experiments with a spoon (very successful) and Faith sitting.

Update 23rd July 2008. More Photos! Faith now weighs 10kg (22lb 2oz).

Update 30 July 2008. Videos now up!

Update 19 September 2008. Photos from August. (Hopefully Christening photos will follow shortly).

Three sets of photos taking us through to November. Faith is now 11 months old!

